Welcome to TA-Help.me

Helping you move your Q&A Session into a digital world!

No more students raising hands

Students can continue on working without having to actively wait for help. It reduces agitation and the inability to continue by showing students when they are expected to receive an answer.

Improves quality of help seeking by students

By stimulating students to ask better questions they will better learn from any help they receive. TA-Help.me promotes asking good questions and helps teaching staff prepare for their questions.

Trusted by others

University of Twente

Seamless integration

Canvas Blackboard
Blackboard Blackboard

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To get a quick glance at what TA-Help.me can do, you can load up a small preview room.

Helps answering questions more quickly and effectively

When students prepare better for their question, the teaching staff can more effectively prepare for a question and solve it quicker. It also enables possibilities to answer groups of people at once.

Gain advanced insights into your course

By collecting data about questions and usage of TA-Help.me, it is able to give you advanced insights into the performance of your course. It helps in allocation of teaching staff, determining pitfalls in study materials and much more.

Interested in using TA-Help.me?

Try it out or contact us